Sunday, March 11, 2012

Free Online Books to Read

Would you like to read online books - for free. Like to learn about how to's or have a history paper you need to write? Here is how you get access to free online books written prior to 1920.

1) Go to 
2) Select "Browse Books and Magazines". 
3) Select "Advanced Search". 
4) Type in the subject you are looking for and select "Full View Only" and then click on the "Search" button. 

Then any book from 1920 or before that Google has scanned into its book store can be downloaded and viewed for free. When you select full view only you are telling it to search only for books you can read for free. These are books that no longer have their original copyright privileges due to age but have been found in large libraries and scanned by the Google company. Be sure that anything needing a Bibliography include that Google provided the book. I have read recipe books from the 1880's, books about the Victory Garden from 1918 and runaway slave stories pre-dating the Civil War (according to the book publish date). There is much of history you will find there that you won't find in ANY history book today. You can search for a subject, name, location, war, etc. and find plenty of great books.

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